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PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer Gili Islands

If you are thinking about tropical islands, you are have beautiful beaches, crystal clear water, beautiful marine life, cocktails, sun, no motorbikes, no cars and no worries in your mind. This is a short description of Gili Air in Indonesia. Gili Air is part of the famous Gili Islands in Indonesia. It is one of the place when you have visit it you don't want to leave it.

Because of the tropical surrounding, the relaxing atmosphere and easy diving circumstances, Gili Air is one of the best places in the world to start your PADI Instructor Development Course. Oceans 5 and PADI Course Directors Joeri and Sander are conducting a month PADI IDC over 12 days. The days are starting at 8.30 till 17.00 and will be ended by a gathering at the bar for a drink.

Oceans 5 has a huge network to find jobs for after the PADI Instructor Exam, when the candidates really are want to work. But a good way to become more employable is startying the Master Scuba Diver Trainer. The dive instructor will have at least 5 PADI Specialties, so he/she can teach more and different courses.

Our former IDC candidate Davy has just finished his PADI MSDT program with PADI Course Director Joeri. Dave is now Specialty Instructor in Nitrox, Deep, Digital Underwater Photography, Wreck and Sidemount. PADI Course Director Joeri took him in 7 days to the most beautiful dive sites around the Gilis and even they visit the Liberty Wreck in Tulamben in Bali.

If you like to have more information about the PADI IDC Gili islands or the PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer program write us an email at


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